The Extraordinary Benefits of Ballet

Parents have their pick of numerous extracurricular activities. If you want your child to not just to have fun, but also learn a foundational skill that has benefits across various aspects of their life, consider signing them up for ballet lessons. Here’s what children’s ballet teaches kids:

The Value of Hard Work

At first glance, ballet looks dainty and cute, but as soon as you try it for yourself, you realize how physically and mentally challenging it is. Even children who pursue ballet as a casual hobby develop strength, flexibility and endurance. They quickly learn that when you work hard, you can achieve great things. Kids who stick with ballet often implement this work ethic in other areas of their lives.

The Payoff of Persistence

After a few months of taking children’s ballet lessons, your child will start to see their technique improvement. This teaches them that willpower and dedication are all you need to master a new skill.

The Importance of a Strong Foundation

As the first standardized form of dance in the Western world, ballet serves as the groundwork for numerous other dance styles, especially lyrical, contemporary, and jazz. It’s also the foundation for pointe, the advanced derivative of ballet that most people think of when they picture ballerinas. Yet all great ballet dancers start at the barre, practicing their turnouts and leg extensions. If your child can master the basics, they will go far.

The Meaning of Discipline

Ballet is a formal dance style, with highly structured lessons and the goal of matching every dancer’s movements perfectly. This requires incredible mental focus, discipline and self-control. Students learn not to speak out of turn or disrespect the teacher. They also quickly discover that the rules are there to ensure everyone has a good time.

A Sense of Self-Confidence

Many youngsters are shy and hesitant when they attend their first children’s ballet class, but as time goes by, they break out of their shell and gain newfound confidence. Your child’s self-assurance is further bolstered after each performance when parents and teachers offer much-deserved praise. The physical benefits of taking ballet – including toned muscles, increased flexibility and good posture – further enhance your child’s self-esteem.

The Power of Creativity

As with all performing arts, ballet gives your child an outlet for self-expression through movement. Give it a little time, and your child may begin choreographing their own dance routines.

Dance is a wonderful outlet for kids and may impact them profoundly for the rest of their lives. To enroll your little one in children’s ballet classes, please contact Dance Academy USA by phone or email.


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